“NOURISHING and revitalizing”

For creatives like singer/songwriter, Rae Ireland the movement of energy isn’t just an experience, it’s life force.

“Every time after our session I feel this expanded sense of calmness, peace but also fiery activation.”

“I’m always inspired to create”


LIke nothing else.

To heal from injury, physical, and emotional trauma, Mosaic Methods goes beyond the traditional treatment and beyond expectations:

“I didn’t expect to see this type of transformation”

“By the end of the session I felt more aligned and lighter”

-Leeza K.


Fitness Professional Leeza Kulimanova, shares her thoughts on Mosaic Methods.

Mini retreat in Baja Mexico


Gentle. Safe. Grounded.

Long term change can only exist when the system feels safe and grounded.

“It was such a gentle attunement”

“I feel so safe, the session really helped me to feel grounded in myself, and to feel more present”

“I would absolutely recommend Dr. Elaine”

I felt the expansion of my God body.

Way beyond the physical.

“I felt during our session the de-activation of my sympathetic nervous system”

“I came into the full presence of my light body during our session”


Post Session Vibes

Transformation guru, Rusty Jernigan feeling the post session magic.


“I was surrounded by white light.”

Profound and relaxing. Mosaic methods helps you easily and effortlessly re-pattern you nervous system.

“I noticed that my energy was raising”

“I was kind of floating a little bit”

-Rusty J.

How good can a deep breath feel?

No drugs here- just the unleashed power of the nervous system.

“By the end of the session breathing felt really good”

“When I got up from the table, I felt kinda like I was stoned”

“I’d look around the room and everything felt more alive.”

-Dylan M.


Singer Songwriter Dylan Morris feeling a natural high post session

Entrepreneur Drake Nightenhelser in a post session haze sharing his experience.


“It was like a weight lifted off of me.”

“When I came in my entire back was really tight and really tense, all knew was I could feel it going away, I could feel the tension and the stress melting away.”

-Drake N.